What should you know about us?

The "us" for right now is mostly me.  Hi!  My name is Aleisha McLemore.  I live in North Alabama with my husband, 4 kids (3 still at home), 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 mules, 4 horses, 7 hens and a rooster named Roscoe.  We have 3 daughters, Abbie, Anna, & Rebecca, all still at home; 1 son, Ben, who is married to our sweet daughter-in-law, Sara, and our sweet granddaughter, Opal Ruth, who is one and a half and has us all wrapped around her finger!


I have always loved to craft things and have tried my hand at sewing, quilting, woodworking, scrapbooking, and many, many others!  (You should see my craft closet!)  Several years ago, my husband gave me a Silhouette Cameo for Christmas and I was hooked!  Making vinyl designs for wood has become a passion and is my first love for this business.   After encouragement from friends, I finally decided to see what I could do with this hobby as a business. 


Why Giving Grace?  My favorite story in the Bible is in Luke chapter 7 about the woman with the Alabaster Box who anointed Jesus' feet with the ointment from the box.  After the Pharisees complained, Jesus told them a story in which two people owed a moneylender money, one a very large debt, and one a small debt.  The moneylender forgave both of the debts.  Jesus asked, "Which of these men will love him (the moneylender) more?".  The answer was, "The one who had the bigger debt forgiven.".   That's a picture of grace.  Giving grace is giving what is not deserved.  Like the woman with the alabaster box, I, too, have been forgiven much.  I have been given much grace.  How could I do any less?  May God always find me giving grace to others.